
The catalogue entry for this text has not been published as yet. Until then, a selection of data is made available below.

Manuscript witnesses

Book of Flaithrige mac Murchaidh 
in section: f. 26r–f. 45v
Dublin, National Library of Ireland, MS G 3 
context: Uraicecht becc   Text in large script, with glosses and commentary in smaller script. CIH 2257.12–2261.17.
Dublin, National Library of Ireland, MS G 138 
Late copy which is close to MS 1289.
pp. 33–48   
pp. 149–166   
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1337/15 
Fragment which has the form of glosses on the opening of the text. CIH 1018.26–39.
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1337/16 
Complete text with introduction and extensive glosses and commentary (Breatnach 2005). CIH 1027.21–1041.38.
London, British Library, MS Egerton 88 
Extracts, with introduction, glosses and commentary. CIH 1280.1–1282.23.
f. 63v(114)a.1
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 502/2 (ff. 19-89) 
Complete. Text in large script, with glosses and commentary in smaller script. CIH 2200.1–2203.5.


Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] [tr.] Archan, Christophe, Les chemins du jugement: procédure et science du droit dans l’Irlande médiévale, Romanité et modernité du droit, Paris: De Boccard, 2007.
287ff Editions, with translation into French, of the versions in Rawl. B 502, Egerton and TCD 1337/16. Discussions of the text are found elsewhere throughout the dissertation.
[ed.] [tr.] Thurneysen, Rudolf, Coic conara fugill: Die fünf Wege zum Urteil, Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 1925.7, Berlin, 1926.
Internet Archive – Poor scans: <link>
[dipl. ed.] Binchy, D. A. [ed.], Corpus iuris Hibernici, 7 vols, vol. 6, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1978.  
comments: numbered pp. 1926–2343; diplomatic edition of legal material from:
  • Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1336 (continued)
  • Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1387
  • Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 502
  • Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1308
  • London, British Library, MS Additional 4783
  • London, British Library, MS Nero A 7
  • Copenhagen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek, MS NKS 261b
  • Dublin, National Library of Ireland, MS G 3
  • Dublin, National Library of Ireland, MS G 11
  • Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS C i 2
  • Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1318/16
  • Dublin, Trinity College, MS E 3. 3
2200.1–2203.5 (Rawlinson B 502), 2257.12–2261.17 (NLI G 3)
[dipl. ed.] Binchy, D. A. [ed.], Corpus iuris Hibernici, 7 vols, vol. 4, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1978.  
comments: numbered pp. 1139–1531; diplomatic edition of legal material from: Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 23 Q 6; Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 23 P 3; London, British Library, MS Egerton 88.
1280.1–1282.23 (Egerton 88)
[dipl. ed.] Binchy, D. A. [ed.], Corpus iuris Hibernici, 7 vols, vol. 3, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1978.  
comments: numbered pp. 745–1138; diplomatic edition of legal material from Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1337 (continued, pp. 745–1109); Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1317 (pp. 1111–1138)
1018.26–39 (TCD 1337/15), 1027.21–1041.38 (TCD 1337/16)

Secondary sources (select)

Breatnach, Liam, A companion to the Corpus iuris Hibernici, Early Irish Law Series, 5, Dublin: DIAS, 2005.  

A companion to D. A. Binchy, CIH (1978). Review article: Neil McLeod, ‘Review,A true companion to the Corpus iuris Hibernici’, Peritia 19 (2005).

esp. 233–234